Home > Motor > TORQ M40C30 50KV v2.1 Brushless Motor for paramotor
TORQ M40C30 50KV v2.1 Brushless Motor for paramotor
SKU: 0101DJ0375
The M40C30 19KW large brushless motor for paramotor paragliders is also designed for cargo transport,
This type of motor is built with industrial grade components for an unmanned VTOL / Multi-Copter (Hexa,Octo) Personal Aerial Vehicle (PAV).
Introducing our TORQParamotor Series M40C30 V2.1 50KV Brushless Motors light version. Thanks Cedar Anderson from electric paramotoring of Australia, he gave the advice to keep this light version motor to be published. He has been testing different Motor, ESC and propeller combinations. So far the M40C30 V2.1 MAD motor with a 450A ESC using 18S LiPo is the best combination for the price, weight, thrust and efficiency. Using a 125cm propeller it performs nicely, In the configuration it produces 59kg of thrust which is really good for his application. He has performed 10X apron 15 minute flights, and he is really impressed with this motor. It runs nice and cool, it is also quite efficient.